Like I was saying…

I’m currently working as a Front-end Developer at Humaan - a creative digital agency based in Perth. With a UX/UI skillset in addition to the front-end development, I’m assisting both with the front-end implementations for projects as well as assisting the UX team ensuring that the UX and front-end match up and the needs of each can be met at each stage of the process.

I’ve been given amazing opportunities to work with big-name clients, such as Optus Stadium and Tourism WA, as well as several state government agencies, and some exciting startups. I take immense pride in having made a positive impact and impression with these clients.

When I’m not working, I’ll be indoor bouldering (rock climbing), playing video games, wishing my cats would love me like I love them, creative coding, or otherwise procrastinating work on personal/passion projects. I have an unreasonable love for writing RegEx find/replace patterns.

Want to see what I can do?

Have a look through some of my prior projects, or pick through some of my often-used code snippets I store on this site for my own (or anyone else’s) repeated use.